The soul~Preneur 1- on -1 Mentoring 

                  Welcome to "The soul~Preneur Program,

1-on-1 mentoring 

 where the artistry of entrepreneurship meets the alchemy of personal development


Welcome to Soul~preneur's 1-on-1 Mentorship Program, where the artistry of entrepreneurship meets the alchemy of personal development. In the grand tapestry of the entrepreneurial journey, we understand that your path is not merely a business pursuit—it's a transformative expedition into the realms of resilience, innovation, and self-discovery.

In the dynamic landscape of entrepreneurial ventures, the need for resilience and a visionary mindset is paramount. At Soul~preneur's 1-on-1 Mentorship Program, we invite you to embark on a 1-on-1 mentorship program designed for those ready to transcend challenges and amplify their personal and professional growth.

As an entrepreneur, you're not just managing a business; you're shaping the trajectory of your vision and mission. Our mentorship program is crafted to guide you through the intricacies of entrepreneurship, offering insights that go beyond conventional approaches. We understand the unique pressures you face and provide personalized mentorship that aligns with the dynamic nature of your journey.

This isn't just about managing projects or businesses; it's about refining your personal development so that it becomes a catalyst rather than a hindrance to your progress. Our mentorship program integrates ancient wisdom with modern entrepreneurial strategies, empowering you to unleash your full potential.


Are you ready to delve into the magic of innovation, resilience, and visionary thinking? Join us at [Your Mentorship Platform] and let's refine your personal development journey together. Step into a transformative mentorship experience where the extraordinary becomes the norm, and your entrepreneurial vision evolves into a reality. The next chapter of your adventure awaits—seize it with us.

 where the artistry of entrepreneurship meets the alchemy of personal development

This 6 month 1-on-1 Mentorship includes:


Get ready for a transformative 6-month journey that will propel your personal and entrepreneurial growth to unprecedented heights! 


1-on-1 Mentorship Program, our comprehensive program ensures you not only meet your goals but surpass them with a guaranteed outcome

1. Accountability Calls: Regular check-ins to keep you on track, address challenges, and celebrate milestones. Our accountability calls are your compass to success.

2. Exercises and Mind Mapping: Engage in dynamic exercises and mind-mapping sessions designed to unlock creativity, enhance problem-solving skills, and illuminate your path forward.

3. Vision Projects: Bring your vision to life with hands-on projects that blend innovation and practicality, ensuring your ideas evolve from concept to reality.

4. Self-Mastery Assignments: Master the art of self-discipline, resilience, and mindfulness through personalized assignments that foster personal growth and success.

5. Workbook Application: Our curated workbooks serve as your toolkit, providing practical strategies, exercises, and resources to apply directly to your entrepreneurial journey.

6. 1-on-1 Zoom Calls: Personalized attention is key. Dive deep into your goals, challenges, and aspirations with dedicated 1-on-1 Zoom calls that focus exclusively on your unique journey.

7. Email and Text Message Support: Stay connected between calls with ongoing email and text message support, ensuring your questions are answered promptly and your momentum never wavers.

8. Weekly Check-ins for Progress: Regular progress check-ins to track your development, refine strategies, and celebrate your ongoing successes.

9. Personal Assessments: Gain valuable insights into your strengths, areas for growth, and unique entrepreneurial style through personalized assessments.

10. Mentorship Calls: Tap into the wealth of experience from seasoned mentors who will guide you through challenges, providing wisdom and insights that fuel your success.

11. Conference Calls: Participate in dynamic conference calls where you connect with fellow entrepreneurs that have chosen the same path, fostering a collaborative community and expanding your network.

12. Access to Courses and Classes: Enjoy exclusive access to a library of courses and classes that cover a spectrum of entrepreneurial topics, providing continuous learning opportunities.

13. Reduced Fees for Seminars, Symposiums, and Events: As part of our program, benefit from reduced fees for high-impact seminars, symposiums, and events, amplifying your exposure to cutting-edge ideas and industry leaders.



Embrace this exciting journey with us at Soul~preneur's 1-on-1 Mentorship Program, where your guaranteed outcome is not just a promise but a commitment to unleashing the extraordinary within you. Get ready to exceed your expectations and redefine success on your terms! The adventure of a lifetime awaits. Let's make it happen together!

What does the 6 month Itinerary look like 

Soul~preneur's 1-on-1 Mentorship Program: 6-Month Course Outline



Month 1: Foundations of Entrepreneurial Mindset

  • Week 1-2: Welcome and Program Overview
    • Introduction to the program, setting expectations, and defining individual goals.
  • Week 3-4: Understanding Entrepreneurial Resilience
    • Exploring the importance of resilience in entrepreneurship and developing strategies for overcoming challenges.


Month 2: Visionary Thinking and Strategy

  • Week 5-6: Vision Mapping and Strategic Planning
    • Mind-mapping exercises to clarify and refine your entrepreneurial vision, followed by strategic planning for implementation.


Month 3: Self-Mastery and Personal Development

  • Week 7-8: Self-Discovery and Mastery
    • Deep dive into self-awareness, discipline, and personal mastery for sustained growth in both personal and professional spheres.


Month 4: Practical Application and Vision Projects

  • Week 9-10: Implementing Vision Projects
    • Hands-on projects to apply strategic thinking and innovation to real-world scenarios, transforming your vision into tangible outcomes.


Month 5: Mentorship and Community Building

  • Week 11-12: Mentorship Dynamics and Community Engagement
    • Understanding the dynamics of effective mentorship and building connections within a supportive entrepreneurial community.


Month 6: Integration and Beyond

  • Week 13-14: Integrating Learnings and Assessments
    • Reflecting on the journey, evaluating progress, and refining strategies for ongoing success.
  • Week 15-16: Future Vision and Graduation
    • Crafting a future vision for continued growth, celebrating achievements, and preparing for post-mentorship endeavors.



Ongoing Support Throughout the Program:

  • 1-on-1 Zoom Calls: Regular personalized sessions to address specific needs, challenges, and achievements.
  • Email and Text Message Support: Continuous communication to provide guidance and answer queries.
  • Weekly Check-ins for Progress: Regular reviews to track development and adjust the course as needed.
  • Personal Assessments: Periodic evaluations to measure personal and entrepreneurial growth.
  • Access to Courses and Classes: Exclusive access to a curated library of courses covering various entrepreneurial topics.
  • Reduced Fees for Seminars, Symposiums, and Events: Opportunities to engage in external events for extended learning and networking.


Embrace the Soul~preneur's 1-on-1 Mentorship Program, where each month unfolds a new chapter in your transformative journey, leading to guaranteed outcomes and a redefined path to success. Get ready to embark on this extraordinary adventure!

WHERE COULD YOU BE IN 6 MONTHS ? It's time to rise to the occasion!

The Investment

$3000 per month for six months

($15,000) In Full "$3000" Savings

(to pay in full Contact for inquiry)

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