What is 4~Chen all about?

At the heart of 4~Chen® lies a profound belief in the power of the mind, the art of manifestation, and the enchantment of creative magic. Founded by visionary minds, we bring together a team of experts versed in the alchemy of business evolution. Our journey is rooted in the understanding that true business transformation requires Intuitive Creativity!

as a creative approach to be ten steps ahead. It's the inner Maverick that transcends traditional methodologies and taps into the infinite possibilities that lie within the human mind.

So welcome to 4~Chen®

, where the realms of magic, rituals, and wealth casting converge seamlessly with the strategic prowess of corporate business coaching.


We are not just consultants; we are visionaries, alchemists and source architects dedicated to transforming high-profile individuals into Wealthy Mavericks who truly own their time.


At 4~Chen®, we don't just guide; we co-create. We are not consultants; we are collaborators in your journey towards transformative success. Our approach blends ancient wisdom with modern business acumen, unlocking the latent potential within individuals and organizations alike.