The mastering Maverick 1- on -1 Mentoring 

                  Welcome to "Manifesting Mavericks Program,

1-on-1 mentoring program brought to you by 4~Chen.



This transformative journey is meticulously crafted for CEOs, entrepreneurs, and high-profile corporate executives who aspire to embark on a profound evolution—from personal mastery to business success—harnessing the power of the mind, manifestation, and creative magic.



Program Overview:

At "Manifesting Mavericks," we understand that true leadership begins with self-mastery. This program is designed to guide you through a holistic transformation, seamlessly integrating personal growth with business acumen. Our approach is rooted in the fusion of ancient wisdom and modern strategies, providing a unique path to unlock your full potential.


Key Elements:

  1. Mind Mastery:

    • Learn to harness the untapped potential of your mind.
    • Develop mental resilience for navigating challenges with clarity.
    • Cultivate mindfulness practices to enhance focus and decision-making.
  2. Manifestation Magic:

    • Unleash the power of intentional manifestation for professional success.
    • Align personal and business goals through visualization and manifestation techniques.
    • Create a roadmap for turning visions into tangible achievements.
  3. Creative Magic:

    • Tap into your innate creativity for innovative problem-solving.
    • Explore techniques to infuse creativity into strategic business planning.
    • Foster a culture of innovation within your team and organization.



Benefits of "Manifesting Mavericks" with 4~Chen:

  1. Personalized Guidance:

    • Tailored mentoring sessions addressing your unique needs and goals.
    • Customized strategies for integrating personal growth with professional success.
  2. Strategic Leadership Development:

    • Elevate your leadership skills to inspire and empower your team.
    • Strategic planning to drive business growth and sustainable success.
  3. Enhanced Decision-Making:

    • Sharpen your decision-making prowess through mindful practices.
    • Develop a heightened sense of intuition for effective and confident choices.
  4. Innovation Integration:

    • Infuse creativity into your leadership style for dynamic problem-solving.
    • Foster an innovative culture within your company, driving long-term success.
  5. Results-Driven Approach:

    • Measure progress through key performance indicators aligned with your goals.
    • Track and celebrate personal and professional achievements throughout the program.




"Manifesting Mavericks" is not just a mentoring program; it's a journey of self-discovery and business transformation. Join us at 4~Chen and unlock the doors to your fullest potential. Together, we'll manifest a future where personal and professional success are seamlessly intertwined. Elevate your leadership, amplify your impact, and become a true Manifesting Maverick.



6 months of soulful coaching, connection and intentional expansion will take your business into new levels of success and fulfillment.


Next level confidence.
Next level manifestation.
Next level impact.
Next level results.


This 6 month Mastermind includes:


Maverick Oasis Group as you expand
A powerful oasis private and group coaching experience to give you the best of both worlds: customized support from me and from an intimate group of a few others who have similar goals and values...and the kinds of business results you want


Catapult 1-on- 1 Call

A private call, which will be the most eye-opening—and transformative—call you've ever had. During this call, you'll finally learn the pieces you've been missing. What's more, I’ll identify key areas of improvement in your business, map out your custom new reality strategy, and give you a step-by-step unconventional techniques to apply.


A private Maverick-only Voxer group:

I'm in here almost every day M-F. This is where we make sure you get all the support, consulting and coaching you need to grow—fast. You can ask / talk about anything and everything (like marketing, sales, strategy, team, money, mindset, confidence, goals, obstacles, copywriting, and more) with me and your fellow Master Mavericks


One monthly group Q&A :

Use this to get real time feedback and deep-dive mentoring on your top focus for the month.


One monthly private training:

Each month, I create a new Maverick-exclusive training on a topic most relevant for the Mastermind’s growth that month. (Past topics have included: my Strategic Transformation Development, the behind-the-scenes creation of whatever focus we are doing personally that month, and yes we are still in perpetual  personal development as well, this is what separates good from great, leadership and the mindset and energetic development is what we do behind the scenes to consistently nourish massive growth and evolution


Quarterly 1-on-1 calls with The Counsel of Wonders:

To plan out your big-picture strategy for the quarter that’ll have you continually moving forward in your personhood/business (often way faster than you might've imagined. They are the TRUTH!


Master Mavericks-only Metaphysical Training:

This is a series of trainings we created exclusively for my Master Mavericks to help you shift into your next quantum leap. (Within just a few weeks of going through these trainings, our clients have experienced things like a booked-out calendar, five-eight figure contracts in business, reality shifting and massive manifestation breakthroughs in their personal life after years of struggle). I do not do this separately, and if we did, the price would be sobering. 


All 4~Chen Trainings:

Access to all 4~Chen's  trainings, including past trainings, for as long as you are a member in Maverick Program. These are detailed, advanced trainings for transformational evolution, that you won't find anywhere else. I promise you that. 


Hot seat coaching + Healing From A Sr. Mystic Consultant
I see beyond your ego, fear and sabotage patterns. You’ll have access to coaching to breakthrough whatevers blocking you from limitless success. Everything is energy and energy shifts quickly!


Live Collective Dates That Bring Your Vision To Life!
- Monthly "Money" dates to play with energetics and shift your relationship with money and abundance
- Rise to the occasion" dates to take bold steps forward and embody your Mentoring Mastermind self that shows up for her vision
- Monthly "Channel Content that Connects" dates where you're guided to download content and write from the heart


Mastermind calls with like-minded Mavericks
Something magical happens when women come together. You’ll be powerfully seen, heard and understood by Mavericks like you. You’ll expand quickly in this energy as you witness Mentoring Mastermind expanding and healing together. There’s nothing else like it, in my opinion!

What does the 6 month Itinerary look like 

Month 1: Foundations of Mind Mastery

  • Week 1-2: Personal Assessment and Goal Setting

    • In-depth assessment of your current state, strengths, and growth areas.
    • Setting personalized short-term and long-term goals for both personal and professional development.
  • Week 3-4: Introduction to Mindfulness Practices

    • Guided meditation sessions for cultivating mindfulness.
    • Techniques for enhancing focus, reducing stress, and improving overall mental well-being.


Month 2: Unleashing Manifestation Magic

  • Week 1-2: Vision Board Workshop

    • Crafting a visual representation of your personal and professional aspirations.
    • Understanding the power of visualization in manifestation.
  • Week 3-4: Intentional Manifestation Techniques

    • Deep dive into manifestation practices tailored to your goals.
    • Practical exercises to align your thoughts, beliefs, and actions with your desired outcomes.


Month 3: Creative Magic Integration

  • Week 1-2: Creativity Unleashed

    • Exploring your creative side through various exercises and activities.
    • Understanding the role of creativity in problem-solving and innovation.
  • Week 3-4: Creative Business Planning

    • Applying creative thinking to strategic business planning.
    • Developing innovative approaches to challenges faced by your organization.


Month 4: Personalized Guidance Sessions

  • Week 1-2: Mid-Program Review and Adjustment

    • Review progress and adjust strategies as needed.
    • Personalized mentoring session to address specific challenges and opportunities.
  • Week 3-4: Advanced Mind Mastery Techniques

    • Dive deeper into advanced mindfulness practices.
    • Techniques for maintaining mental clarity and resilience in high-pressure situations.


Month 5: Strategic Leadership Development

  • Week 1-2: Leadership Style Analysis

    • Assessment of your leadership style and its impact on your team.
    • Tailored strategies to enhance your leadership effectiveness.
  • Week 3-4: Strategic Business Planning

    • Developing a comprehensive business growth strategy.
    • Integration of personal and business goals for sustainable success.


Month 6: Celebration and Future Planning

  • Week 1-2: Reflect and Celebrate

    • Reflect on the transformative journey.
    • Celebrate achievements and milestones reached.
  • Week 3-4: Future Planning and Integration

    • Develop a plan for continued personal and professional growth.
    • Integration of the learned practices into your ongoing leadership journey.  


Additional Creative Elements:

  1. Mindful Leadership Retreat:

    • A weekend retreat focused on immersive mindfulness and leadership training.
  2. Guest Speaker Series:

    • Inviting renowned experts to share insights on creativity, mindfulness, and business success.
  3. Creative Workshops:

    • Interactive workshops on topics like art, music, or improv to stimulate creativity.
  4. Community Building:

    • Foster a sense of community among participants through virtual meet-ups and networking events.
  5. Surprise Challenges:

    • Introduce surprise challenges to encourage adaptive thinking and quick decision-making.


This comprehensive six-month program is designed to not only equip you with the tools for personal and professional success but also to provide ongoing support and inspiration. Embrace the "Manifesting Mavericks" journey with 4~Chen and unlock your full potential.


The Investment

$5000 per month for six months 

($25,000) In Full)

(to pay in full Contact for inquiry)