Demi~God 1 on 1 

Welcome to "Demi-God 1-on-1" by 4~Chen:

Your Personal Evolution Journey

Welcome to the Demi~God Mastermind, a transformative community dedicated to the pursuit of personal development and the elevation of every aspect of your life. In this exclusive gathering of like-minded individuals, we embark on a journey towards self-discovery, empowerment, and the fulfillment of our deepest desires.

In the realm of personal development, we believe in rising to the occasion, seizing control of our realities, and sculpting a life that resonates with purpose and joy. The Demi~God Mastermind is not just a community; it's a sanctuary for those who aspire to reach their full potential and embrace a life that knows no bounds.

Here, we recognize the power of the mind as the ultimate catalyst for change. Through the renewal of your thoughts and the embrace of creative, unconventional manifestation techniques, you'll unlock the door to a reality where the world around you caters to your desires. We delve into the realms of magical symbology and principles, transcending conventional boundaries to harness the forces that shape our existence.


The Demi~God Mastermind is more than a group; it's a sacred space where individuals converge to share insights, uplift one another, and collectively ascend to new heights. Join us in this epic journey of self-discovery, where personal development meets the extraordinary, and the extraordinary becomes a way of life. Together, let's manifest the unimaginable and redefine what it means to live a life fulfilled in every aspect. Welcome to a community where the gods within us awaken, and magic is not just a concept but a tangible force for transformation.


What kind of subjects

  1. Holistic Personal Development: Joining the Demi~God Mastermind offers a holistic approach to personal development. Dive deep into self-discovery, mental and emotional resilience, and practical techniques that empower you to elevate every aspect of your life.

  2. Empowering Community Support: Experience the strength of a community that believes in your potential. The Demi~God Mastermind provides a supportive network of like-minded individuals who share insights, challenges, and victories, fostering an environment where personal growth is not just encouraged but celebrated.

  3. Mind Renewal and Creative Manifestation: Learn the art of renewing your mind and tap into creative manifestation techniques that go beyond the ordinary. Discover unconventional methods to shape your reality, unlocking the power of your thoughts and intentions.

  4. Magical Symbology and Principals: Explore the mystical realms of magical symbology and principles. Gain a deeper understanding of how these forces can be harnessed to bring about transformative results in your life, transcending conventional boundaries and unlocking new possibilities.

  5. Life Fulfillment in Every Aspect: The Demi~God Mastermind is dedicated to helping you create a life that is truly fulfilling in every aspect. Whether it's career success, relationships, or personal well-being, this community guides you towards a balanced and extraordinary existence where you are in control of your destiny.

Program Highlights:

Embark on a profound personal transformation with our exclusive "Demi-God 1-on-1" mentoring program, brought to you by 4~Chen. This program is crafted for individuals ready to unlock their true potential, using the power of the mind, manifestation, and creative magic.


  1. Personalized Mind Evolution: Experience a tailored journey of self-discovery and mental evolution. Our 1-on-1 mentoring dives deep into your unique strengths, challenges, and aspirations, guiding you to harness the untapped power of your mind.

  2. Creative Magic Unleashed: Explore the art of creative magic as a catalyst for change. Our program introduces you to unconventional and powerful manifestation techniques, allowing you to shape your reality in ways you never thought possible.

  3. Strategic Manifestation Mastery: Learn to manifest your desires strategically. Whether it's career advancement, personal growth, or relationship success, our mentorship program equips you with practical tools and techniques to manifest your goals with precision.

  4. Inner Alchemy for Outer Transformation: Witness the magic of inner alchemy as it catalyzes external transformation. "Demi-God 1-on-1" focuses on aligning your inner self with your outer reality, ensuring that the evolution you experience is not only profound but also visible in every aspect of your life.

  5. Unwavering Personal Support: Benefit from dedicated, one-on-one support throughout your journey. Our mentors at 4~Chen are committed to your success, providing guidance, encouragement, and expertise to help you navigate the twists and turns of your personal evolution.

Why Choose "Demi-God 1-on-1" with 4~Chen?

  • Tailored Transformation: Our program is not one-size-fits-all. We tailor the experience to meet your individual needs, ensuring that your journey is as unique as you are.

  • Proven Results: Join a program backed by a track record of success. 4~Chen has empowered individuals to achieve remarkable transformations, and "Demi-God 1-on-1" continues this legacy.

  • Exclusive Access: Experience the privilege of exclusive access to the wisdom and expertise of our seasoned mentors, who are dedicated to helping you become the best version of yourself.


Elevate your life to new heights with "Demi-God 1-on-1" by 4~Chen. Embrace your journey of personal evolution, and let the magic within you shape a reality that exceeds your wildest dreams.

What the next six months looks like

"Demi-God 1-on-1" Six-Month Personal Evolution Program:


Access to The Demi~God Elite Coaching Group is Included

Month 1: Foundation of Mind Mastery

  • Weeks 1-2: Self-Discovery Intensive

    • Personalized assessments and introspective exercises to understand your unique strengths, values, and aspirations.
    • Identification of limiting beliefs and thought patterns hindering your progress.
  • Weeks 3-4: Mind Renewal Techniques

    • Introduction to mindfulness practices, meditation, and cognitive restructuring to enhance mental resilience.
    • Crafting a personalized mindset toolkit for daily use.

Month 2: Creative Magic Unveiled

  • Weeks 5-6: Unconventional Manifestation Workshop

    • Delve into the world of creative magic with hands-on workshops and exercises.
    • Crafting a vision board and implementing creative visualization techniques.
  • Weeks 7-8: Harnessing Symbolism and Intuition

    • Explore the power of symbols and intuition in manifestation.
    • Creative exercises incorporating symbols and intuitive decision-making.

Month 3: Strategic Manifestation Mastery

  • Weeks 9-10: Goal Setting and Strategic Planning

    • Clarify and refine your short-term and long-term goals.
    • Develop a strategic action plan for manifestation.
  • Weeks 11-12: Emotional Mastery

    • Understand the role of emotions in manifestation.
    • Techniques for emotional intelligence and resilience.

Month 4: Inner Alchemy for Outer Transformation

  • Weeks 13-14: Inner Alignment Practices

    • Dive deep into practices aligning your inner self with outer goals.
    • Energy work and chakra balancing for holistic transformation.
  • Weeks 15-16: Personal Branding and Image Transformation

    • Work on your external image to reflect the inner evolution.
    • Develop a personal brand that aligns with your authentic self.

Month 5: Integration and Implementation

  • Weeks 17-18: Integration Retreat

    • Reflect on your journey so far.
    • Group activities for shared insights and support.
  • Weeks 19-20: Real-world Application

    • Implement your strategic action plan in real-life scenarios.
    • Overcoming challenges and celebrating successes.

Month 6: Mastery and Beyond

  • Weeks 21-22: Advanced Manifestation Techniques

    • Explore advanced manifestation techniques such as quantum jumping and reality shifting.
    • Integration of magical symbology for accelerated manifestation.
  • Weeks 23-24: Future Roadmap and Sustainable Practices

    • Develop a sustainable personal development plan for ongoing growth.
    • Create a roadmap for future achievements and continued evolution.


Additional Creative Elements:

  1. Monthly Creative Challenges:

    • Engage in monthly challenges to infuse creativity into your personal development journey.
  2. Virtual Reality Integration:

    • Explore the use of virtual reality for immersive visualization exercises.
  3. Customized Rituals and Ceremonies:

    • Incorporate personalized rituals and ceremonies to mark key milestones in your journey.
  4. Guest Cameo Mentors:

    • We Invite experts in fields such as psychology, spirituality, and creativity for exclusive sessions.
  5. Personalized Artistic Expression:

    • Encourage artistic expression as a means of self-discovery and reflection.
  6. Interactive Online Community:

    Foster connections with other participants through a dedicated online platform for ongoing support and collaboration.



This six-month program is designed to provide a comprehensive and transformative experience, integrating traditional personal development practices with innovative and creative elements for a truly unique journey of self-discovery and evolution.


The Investment
$2000 per month for 6 months
$10,000 in full "$2000" savings

(to pay in full Contact for inquiry)